The operating budget, budget standards
budget is simply a forecast or estimate of projected revenue, expenses and profit.
Number of meals daily, 3
Length of campers’ stay, 7 days
Ò 180
campers x 3 meals x 7days = 3780 meals
Ò The
foodservice director given amount to the meal served cost = RM1.85
Ò So
for 3780 meals, 3780 x RM1.85 = RM6993.00
Forecasting sales income
Ò Sales
is defined as revenue resulting from the
exchange of products and services for value.
Ò TOTAL SALES = refers to total volume of sales
expressed in dollar (ringgit) terms.
Monetary terms
1) Sales
price = amount charged each customer purchasing one unit
of item
2) Average
sale = Total sale / Total number of covers (customer)
3) Average
sale per server = Total sale for Celina / Number of
customers for Celina
Non-monetary terms
1) Total
number sold – total number of steaks , shrimp
cocktails or any item sold.
2) Cover
– to
describe one diner (quantity of food he or she consume)
3) Total
covers – total number of customers served in a given period
(hour/ meal period/day/ week)
Covers per hour = Total covers / Number of hours operation
Covers per day = Total covers / Number of days of operation
Covers per server = Total covers / Number of servers
Seat turnover –
number of seats occupied during a given period= Number of customers served / number of seats
Allocating costs and profit requirements
Ò Each
dollar of sales, then, may be divided imaginatively into two portions:
- That
which must be used to cover variable costs associated with the item sold
- That
which remains to cover fixed costs and to provide profit
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