GREEN SALAD - A green salad is a salad made mainly with lettuce and other green vegetables . 1. Mild Green Ä Using mild lettuce to make the mild green salad. 2. Bitter Green Ä Mixed green leaves of a variety of salad vegetables with a bitter taste, such as endives, chicory, or spinach. 3. Spicy Green Ä This is a spicy salad but that does not mean it has the numbing, fiery heat that takes away from the flavour of the vegetables 4. Herbs & Flour Micro Green Ä Micro greens with grated carrots, cubed avocado, raw sunflower seeds, topped with a little lemon juice and olive oil and a soft poached egg on the side. SIDE SALAD - A side salad is a bowl of salad for one person which is served with a main meal. 1. Vegetable Salad Ä Any salad consisting of vegetables, such...